Friday, May 22, 2020

Freedom For The Organization Freedom House - 1466 Words

Freedom can be categorized in many different ways, but for the organization Freedom House there are only two key aspects that can be ranked to determine which countries are free. By using the ideas of â€Å"civil liberties† and â€Å"political rights† which combine to create an overall â€Å"freedom rating† (Freedom House, 2014) that are compiled into a list of global ranking of freedom. In comparing countries that are free and not free, there is a trend that shows how authoritarian states tend to rank lower in terms of freedom as opposed to democratic states due to an importance being put on protecting certain groups. In authoritarian states, the government’s priority is ensuring their continued reign, whereas in democratic states, the government†¦show more content†¦South Korea’s electoral process results in presidential candidates being directly into positions, as well as a council that follows the same direct vote electoral process. Sou th Korea has a free and fair election system that, in 2013, created a way to enable more citizens to vote by setting up two new voting systems. The first was a new method of early electoral allowed citizens to arrive at voting booths having not applied prior in order to maximize the amount of voters able to actively participate in elections. As well, South Korea implemented a non-registering voter system that allowed voters to simply arrive at election booths with identification to vote regardless of their home district. This creates opportunities for people who work away from their home district to participate in elections. One of the few problems that have occurred from allowing a greater voting population is the smaller margin in which the recent president was elected. As well, with a recent â€Å"alleged meddling† (Freedom House, 2014) from the National Intelligence Service (NIS), paired with charges having been laid against a few important members of the organization hav e lead few to ponder whether this activity has â€Å"harmed the country’s electoral process† (Freedom House, 2014). This is due to the fact that the National Intelligence Service had an online campaign supporting current president Park Geun-Hye. Albeit having some

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Blood on a Battlefield in A Mystery of Heroism by Stephen...

Often times war is depicted in a victorious, triumphant manner when in reality war is chaotic; full of destruction and death. In Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A Mystery of Heroism† and Ambrose Bierce’s â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge,† we witness the harsh reality of the war and the common human reaction to the havoc. Fred Collins simply wants water, but the well is on the other side of the battlefield. Peyton Farquhar, a loyal civilian to the South, just wanted to help in the war but instead was hanged for his good-intentioned attempt to destroy the bridge to help the Confederates. Ambrose Bierce and Stephen Crane wrote â€Å"An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge† and â€Å"A Mystery of Heroism† to show the natural human condition in adverse situations. In ‘A Mystery of Heroism,† Stephen Crane opens his story with specific details of a war scene. He writes, â€Å"He could now be seen lying face downward with a stirruped foot stretch ed across the body of his dead horse† and â€Å"around this motionless pair the shells still howled.† This scene describes how there are dead soldiers and horses just lying around in the middle of the turmoil. That man is just another dead body to everyone else. This shows the reality of war, violent and deadly and definitely not the pretty picture some paint it to be. Later on in the story, Crane also writes â€Å"a lieutenant of the battery rode down and passed them, holding his right arm carefully in his left hand. And it was as if his arm was not at all part of him, but belongedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Stephen Crane s A Mystery Of Heroism Essay875 Words   |  4 Pagesin Stephen Crane. When a conflict between two powers reaches its peak, the war becomes inevitable. This usually leads to the change in roles among men and women. Men turn into soldiers and women turn into field nurses. . Living under critical conditions, one could die easily just by walking out the street or starving to death due to uncontrollable hysteria. In such situations, one could truly reveal his personality by either saving themselves or other individuals. .For that reason, Stephen Crane’sRead MoreIrony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind Essay examples947 Words   |  4 PagesIrony and Sarcasm in A Mystery of Heroism and War is Kind In literature, similar themes are portrayed in many different ways, mostly according to the time period they were written in. A new generation of writers came of age after the civil war, known as the realists. They dominated American fiction from the late nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth. They took their ideas from the slums of the rapidly growing cities at that time, from the factories replacing farmland, and fromRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Life as an Aquarious Free Essays

MY LIFE AS AN AQUARIOUS Astrology emphasis is on space and movement of the sun, moon and planets in the sky through each of the zodiac signs. From the viewpoint of earth, the sun appears to move along a circular orbit across the celestial sphere ;( 12a/20) there are sun signs and moon signs, which both depends on your date of birth. The signs are divided in to twelve different signs, and all twelve of them have their own meaning and representation to the individual that was born in that particular zodiac sign. We will write a custom essay sample on My Life as an Aquarious or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being born on January, 24 my zodiac sign that defines (7c) me is Aquarius. It has a quality of being independent, friendly and humanitarian ;( 12a/20) these all are the qualities that can be found in me. The first quality of Aquarius is being independent; any attempt to hold him (11b) down or restrict him will cause him, to flee. He needs to be free to be on his own. Independence is not just desired by Aquarius, it is essential to his well being. This applies (7C) to me in a big way ;( 12c) starting from my childhood,(19a) I always wanted to be independent and to be left alone to try to figure things out myself. After mid school I had to register for high school right away, and my parents was not available that day; I couldn’t wait for the next day, so I went to the school alone to register, and the registrar office sent me home, and I had to come back with my father the next day. I was out from home by the time am 18 and had a job, a house and was making my own money, doing all the decisions (2h) myself. Aquarius is considered independent/detached yet friendly. Even though we as an Aquarius like (7C) to be independent or some might consider us detached, (19a) we are also friendly, which leads me to my second quality of Aquarius being friendly. Without expecting anything in return for this could put a damper on his(11b) freedom; he(11b) live with no strings he love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good. They are very unconventional and always full of excitement ;( 20a) an Aquarius friend always makes life fun. I like to have fun, making people feel included, cheering people up and helping a friend n need. When one of my friends from high school, had his car broke down in the middle of the road on his way to out of town; he had gone far by the time his car stopped, and he called me, I had to excuse myself from work, and drive all the way to out of town and pick him up. Of course I don’t do this thinking about what that person might say or do in return ;(20a/12a) it’s kind o f the way I am,(12b) but I notice my friends loving to be around me and enjoying my company;(20/12a) I even remember my friends calling me and making sure I come to hang out ith them as they always mentioned to me that they like for me to be there because I bring a lot of fun to the table. When I graduated from high school I was categorized in the funny people of the bunch. The other quality I have as an Aquarius is being a humanitarian. Based on the Aquarius Astrological profile, he is (11b) most likely to be humanitarian, which is kind of connected with my first point helping people making feel people better comforting them. 12a/20a) There are even great humanitarians born under this zodiac sign like Oprah winfrey our greatest humanitarian woman, and I personally like helping others. My very first job right out of collage was in a nongovernmental organization which helps women and children in a very rural part of Ethiopia which is located in Africa ;(20a/12b) we personally deliver to their home a lot of materials such as, back to school supplies for students (19i)who can’t afford clothes, helping them with medicines. Our organizations also make sure that there is at least one clinic in a neighborhood so the mothers don’t have to suffer during giving birth. While my friends wanted to stay on the cities and work a regular job, I on the other hand, was so glad to get involved with this type of organization. (20a/12b)It makes my day go by easy and the satisfaction was priceless ,(20/12b)and now when I get to know about my zodiac sign, it all makes sense:(24d)it’s in my blood. It’s really amazing how much you can go and how much you can know if you set your mind to it. I(2h) am really grateful to know about my zodiac sign and what it really meant for me personally. (20a/12b)Writing this essay makes(7c) me realize the things that I didn’t understand for a long time, (19b)and now I know why I make the decisions that I make because they all make sense now. It doesn’t (7c) have to be similar with my friends or siblings because I am my own person, (19b) and I live my life according to me.  « Aquarius  » by Mesfin How to cite My Life as an Aquarious, Essays